
Cooperation and bond mitrpheap between Cambodia and China is strengthening cooperation through a meeting between Samdech Techo Hun Sen and YANG Jiechi, Deputy Prime Minister State Councilor of the People's Republic of China on December 31, 2014, in Phnom Penh, China enjoyed progress positively in the country, under the leadership of Samdech Techo Hun Sen. Chinese partners to continue to help our nation and the people to have a better life ahead.

Dec. 31, 2014/31 Dec. 2014 - New Year! / Happy New Year! / Bonne Année! See More.
During the New Year 2015 New Year Global I bless all the glory, happiness Dear all Khmer citizens and families at home and abroad. In this new year 2015, our country forward towards a real democracy that will ensure people Khmer freedom with justice. Let Khmer across the political spectrum to love and forgive one another and maintain the national life and national interest is greater than all. Let Khmer political cultural rejection of the culture of violence and retaliation, and capture the cultural dialogue in a spirit of mutual respect, to peacefully solve the problems of the nation. Let Khmer positive-minded political Superb and unite in order to build a good addition to our national interests and to take all the children of our future generations.
On the eve of the New Year 2015 I extend my best wishes of success and happiness to all Cambodians, their families and their friends living in Cambodia and overseas. May this New Year 2015 see Cambodia move forward towards real democracy so as to ensure that the Khmer people enjoy freedom and justice. May Cambodians from all political affiliations show love and tolerance to one another and put their country’s survival and supreme interest above anything else. May Cambodians from all political affiliations give up the culture of violence and revenge and instead adopt a culture of dialogue based on mutual respect so as to peacefully solve all issues of national interest. May Cambodians from all political affiliations be blessed with enlightened inspiration and come together to jointly do good deeds for their motherland and the future generations.
En cette veille de la Nouvelle Année 2015 je formule mes meilleurs voeux de santé, de prospérité et de bonheur à tous les Cambodgiens, leur famille et amis, qu’ils se trouvent au Cambodge ou ailleurs dans le monde. Que cette Nouvelle Année 2015 voie le Cambodge avancer significativement vers la vraie démocratie afin de garantir liberté et justice au peuple Khmer. Que les Cambodgiens de toutes tendances politiques sachent faire preuve d’amour et de tolérance et mettent la survie de leur pays et l’intérêt supérieur de la nation au-dessus de toute autre considération. Que les Cambodgiens de toutes tendances politiques abandonnent la culture de violence et de vengeance et adoptent une culture de dialogue basée sur le respect mutuel afin de résoudre pacifiquement tous les problèmes nationaux. Que les Cambodgiens de toutes tendances politiques soient inspirés d’idées clairvoyantes et se mettent d’accord pour accomplir ensemble de bonnes actions décisives pour leur patrie et les générations futures.